
Ikea ramsjo kitchen reno in progress

Thought I would share a few pictures of our reno in progress.  The in progress photos are pretty messy but it gives you an idea of how the design is taking shape.  This kitchen is teeny tiny, which can prove to be difficult when using stock cabinetry, as you are limited to certain sizes that don't always make the best use of your space.  However, stock cabinets have other benefits, such as the price and availability, which were key factors for the homeowner since he purchased this house to flip it.  The total kitchen is about 100 square feet which also had to include the only eating area / dining space in the house as well as a door to the back of the house and basement.  Oh and did I mention we had to find space somewhere for a dishwasher...

Kitchen before
kitchen before
kitchen before

We ended up taking out some bulk heads that were above the original cabinets in order to add extra tall wall cabinets, which you can see in the middle picture (above). There was also a wall separating the kitchen and living room, which was removed to open the space up.  There is a small alcove space that, at first, I wanted to build a banquette with cabinetry for seating and some shorter cabinets above the seating area but we ended up going with the second option, which was to add a built-in table that attached to a wall counter.  This was the only option that allowed us to add enough cabinet space to make this a properly functioning kitchen.   

kitchen before - alcove space and door to back entrance and basement

 kitchen before - wall separating kitchen and living room

So, here is the kitchen now in progress.  For some reason I had originally envisioned white cabinets in this space.  There was something about the kitchen window and all the light pouring through it that for some reason got me thinking about a white kitchen but the owner was set on having black cabinets so we ended up going with Ikea's Ramsjo black-brown cabinets.  I'm glad we did because I think it really adds a coziness and sophistication to the space and the colour is quite beautiful.  Online they look black but in person you can definitely see a hint of brown that I think creates a rich, warm sophisticated colour and when we paired it with the brown-grey tiles on the floor it brings out the brown in the wood just a little bit more. They are still very dark though and I think these cabinets would be beautiful for a bistro style kitchen paired with reflective surfaces such as stainless steel, mirrors, etc. 

ikea ramsjo black brown kitchen revere pewter

One thing I love is the kitchen faucet.  If you live in Canada, you can find it at Rona for $129 and at the time I bought it it was on sale for $107.  Yes you heard me correctly.  And yes I thought it was a steal too!  I know none of these pictures do it justice so I will post some better ones when we are finished. One thing I don't love is that Ikea doesn't sell microwave cabinets in the same colour as their doors.  One of the contractors is going to customize it using end panels so that it matches the rest of the cabinet colour and you won't see the white. 

ikea ramsjo black brown kitchen

So this is the start of our alcove area with the built in table.  Originally we were going to use glass doors on the upper cabinets but decided against it for a few reasons.  Since the cabinetry was already so sparse I figured people may need the space to store items they may not necessarily want to display and also because the house is so small and there's a lot going on in this main area, I was concerned with it competing with too many other things.  So we ended up with solid doors.  I've decided to do a mirror on the back splash of this area, which I think will add a touch of glam and help to visually enlarge the space just a little bit more.  I know it's hard to see the tabletop here but it's all done in white quartz like the counters.  The base of it still needs to be completed and I'm still shopping for the perfect chandelier and stools for this area.  Hopefully you will check back in a couple weeks to see the finished product. 

ikea ramsjo black brown revere pewter


  1. Where did you get the backsplash? I'm in Canada as well. Can you provide some details regarding backsplash.

    1. Hi, The backsplash tile is from Lowe's. It's carrera marble split face tile. It has little tiny strips with different textures, some smooth and some rough. It was about $23 a square foot. I believe it's a regularly stocked item as it was in their tile section with a display board and I see it there all the time so you should still be able to get it. Good luck.

    2. I forgot to mention that Rona also now carries a carrera marble and glass strips tile where the glass strips are mostly white but take on a very soft, light grey appearance and it's beautiful. I'm only mentioning it because it offers the same colours and shine as the other tile but would be a more modern look since you wouldn't have the rough textured pieces. I believe it was $18 square foot. Just thought I would mention it since the colours were exactly what I was looking for when I purchased the tile that we used. Unfortunately Rona wasn't carrying it at the time. Hope this helps. Jacqueline

  2. This kitchen is beautiful! I am considering installing the same cabinets and a similar flooring and counter top in my kitchen remodel. Can you tell me what kind of counter top this is?

    1. Hi Not Ally McBeal,

      Thanks for your kind comment! The countertops are a white quartz. I'm not sure what the brand was but I know it was called Snow White. When I was looking at the white samples I found this colour to be in between Caeserstone's Pure White, which is really bright white and Caesarstone's Blizzard, which is a warmer white. I didn't want the counters going too warm because I knew I wanted cool colours on the backsplash but still like to use a white other than pure white so this one was perfect. My client also liked the price since it wasn't a brand name:).

      I'll be posting some more pictures in the next week or two of another Ikea kitchen we are just finishing with another brand of white quartz counters. I don't recall the brand off hand but I will be posting them shortly with the source info if you want to check back. The biggest thing I am learning with picking white quartz is that there are many versions of white so make sure to take your backsplash tile samples and cabinet samples with you to look at the big slabs and ensure you get a sample to take home to look at in different lighting. If you haven't picked your backsplash tile yet at least have an idea of the direction you want to go in or take a few samples with you so you have some form of reference when looking at the different whites. Hope that helps.

  3. Beautiful kitchen! Love the backsplash.

  4. Hello,

    Do you remember where you purchased your floor tile? Is the grout a light grey? The kitchen is beautiful!

  5. Hi,
    The floor tile is from a place in Calgary called Tierra Sol Ceramic Tile. The tile is called Max Cotton Illusion and the colour is Brown Vision. The grout was Mapei brand and the colour was just called Grey. The grout colour was actually the exact same colour as the floor tile (a dark warm grey) but in the photos for some reason it shows up lighter. Thanks, Jackie
